Aye Matey!
[In PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES”The villain, Captain Salazar, played by Javier Bardem, pursues Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp, as he searches for the trident used by Poseidon.]
I was unable to attend the screening the other night for the new PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES because my daughter had a Dance Recital. (She did amazing, btw!) But, take a look at the photos and clips provided: I can tell this is going to be SO good! I love the whole Pirates of the Caribbean saga.
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- “PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES”..The villainous Captain Salazar (Javier Bardem) pursues Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) as he searches for the trident used by Poseidon..Pictured: Captain Salazar (Javier Bardem)..Ph: Film Frame..© Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Is this truly the FINAL adventure, Captain Jack Sparrow?!?!
The Legacy
Can your Wilderness Explorers see this movie?
Since I wasn’t able to screen this film, I’m going with my intuition and going to wait to take my littles. The sharks, Captain Salazar and his crew, and the fight scenes look a bit much for my littles. Plus, it is rated PG13, that is telling. Clint and I will watch it without them and then decide after if they can see it. You are the parent and know best for yours.
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES opening in theatres everywhere May 26th!
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