Mary Poppins Returns is in theaters everywhere. We previewed this movie and can assure you – this is practically perfect in every way.

“In Disney’s “Mary Poppins Returns,” an all new original musical and sequel, Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family find the joy and wonder missing in their lives following a personal loss. Emily Blunt stars as the practically-perfect nanny with unique magical skills who can turn any ordinary task into an unforgettable, fantastic adventure and Lin-Manuel Miranda plays her friend Jack, an optimistic street lamplighter who helps bring light—and life—to the streets of London.”
You’ll see that classic London Cherry Street Lane house we all fell in love with in the 1964 Disney original, Mary Poppins movie. In Disney Mary Poppins Returns, you will get that same animation mixed with real actors for a fun and playful feel, dancing penguins, and so much more. It begins with breathtaking music paired with chalk-like scenery artwork (reminiscent of Burt’s art from the original film) that captivate your attention and automatically forms a smile on your face. I immediately started making a list in my head of which art pieces I wanted to collect for our own home gallery, IF they were to become available for fan purchase. (Disney are you listening!?)
The stunts are spectacular! (Especially during the lamp lighting song.) The songs are beautiful and catchy – no surprise there. We even get the treat of Lin-Manuel Miranda rapping – Hamilton fans, you’ll LOVE it! There’s adventure and heart weaved throughout the movie; I caught myself with my hand over my heart multiple times taking in deep breathes at the depth of the multiple messages Disney placed in Mary Poppins.
“Everything is possible even the impossible.”
Mary Poppins has always been a gem who teaches us lessons in a joyful way. In Mary Poppins Returns, she’s back with more imaginative ways. Her nonsensical way of fun is fantastic for all ages to help that part of your goofy soul to emerge if it was dormant for a short time or many years if you are older; Mary Poppins will bring that back coupled with a big smile.
She provides a gentle new way for children coping a parent’s death and how to keep those memories close to them – this was VERY touching. Because of this, it lead to a heavier topic of depression with death and even depression in general. Both times it was addressed, Mary Poppins gave a new light to it and showed a different view. Depression can affect so many people in so many ways, during different times in their life; it’s important to change your point of view, once you do that, the way you look at things, can change you. A big takeaway: be there for those struggling.
I love that I can connect with almost every Disney movie. But it’s interesting when a movie comes out with so many life parallels like Mary Poppins. Talking about the dad being a painter, the kids being so smart and independent, and some other stuff, it’s just crazy. I about squealed in my seat when I saw Angela Lansbury make a cameo with a “balloon” part, too. It was a sign, I swear! I truly believe there’s magic inside balloons.
“Nothing is such a useful word… because nothing turns into something.” -Mary Poppins
Your little wilderness explorers can see this movie. Are there jump scares? Not really, but there are a couple intense parts with heights. The subject matter might be tough for little ones if they have recently lost a loved one. However, I REALLY loved how Disney approached this subject of losing a mom and how a family can get through it. If this is something you might think may be too much for your littles, preview the movie first without them to be sure, you’re their BEST guide!
I want to see this movie again right now – I LOVED it! It totally received five balloons.
“Give it a go… nowhere to go but UP!”
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