“In Disney’s “Maleficent: Mistress of Evil,” a sequel to the 2014 global box office hit, Maleficent and her goddaughter Aurora begin to question the complex family ties that bind them as they are pulled in different directions by impending nuptials, unexpected allies and dark new forces at play.”


Maleficent: Mistress of Evil is much darker than the first one. I went into this screening nervous for what this storyline would entail – I have such a fondness and soft spot for Maleficent, that I didn’t want to possibly see the ‘dark’ side of her again. 

Expect to see new Lands. We are used to seeing Aurora’s castle and where the Moor’s live, however, in this film, we’ll go on a great journey into the fairy world. And this part is glorious, full of depth, wonder, incredible terrains, and visually breathtaking! In fact, as I was watching this part of the movie, I felt myself thinking of Avatar, and how two attractions were imagineered out of it – this part of the Maleficent: Mistress of Evil could be an attraction too!

The fairies and the humans are still at odds. Because this film is darker than the first, expect to see more war or fighting scenes and some brutal killing of fairies. This part was hard to watch. Maleficent makes a joke about our (human) fascination with weapons when ‘welcoming visitors’ into a new land and I felt it was poignant.

“Oh, look, pitchforks… humans are hilarious.” – Maleficent


I loved seeing Maleficent’s true love for her goddaughter daughter, Aurora. She is a protective Mama and it was fun to see how their relationship has grown over time. I loved watching Aurora, grow and learn throughout this film. I can’t say much more on this because I don’t want to spoil anything. But I love the concept of listening to gut instincts, if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. You don’t have to change your self to fit in for others; be yourself. If you can’t breathe, if you can’t be yourself, it’s not right.

I loved all the new fairy land creatures we meet. There’s an instant adorable factor to quite a few of them!

I also loved the message of peace. Peace is the answer. Even though we all come from different Kingdoms, we can all look at and be under the same peaceful sky together, as one; peace is the answer.  


I’m giving a warning for young ones with this one. There’s more violence and killing of fairies in this one. Those scenes are very hard to watch and I think little ones would get too upset. My daughter and I were crying pretty hard during a couple scenes. 

I suggest previewing this one before your younger kids see it.


Yes, 5 balloons, I LOVED it! It’s full of vibrant colors while you will be immersed in a dark, dense forest. I love Maleficent and Aurora’s relationship; she’s her Beasty. I can’t wait to see this again and then own it, to watch as much as my heart desires.

Head to theaters this Friday to see Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Mini Maleficent