Whatever it takes!

I took my daughter to a special media screening of Marvel Studios Avengers: Endgame yesterday morning and it was a blast! We have taken a Marvel oath to not give any spoilers, so this review is going to be rather short. But, I’m going to tell you what to expect as far as violence, swearing and if you really do need tissues.
“The grave course of events set in motion by Thanos that wiped out half the universe and fractured the Avengers ranks compels the remaining Avengers to take one final stand in Marvel Studios’ grand conclusion to twenty-two films, “Avengers: Endgame.”
Kevin Feige produces “Avengers: Endgame,” and Anthony and Joe Russo are the directors. Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Michael Grillo, Trinh Tran, Jon Favreau and Stan Lee are the executive producers, and Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely wrote the screenplay.”
This screening had a special buzz or nervousness vibe lurking amongst all of us waiting for the movie to start; I imagine all the first screenings this weekend and into early next week will share the same feelings as folks around the world view this film. We’ve all been anticipating this one for SO long wanting answers. So, will we get answers? Yes. The movie begins a with an awe and gasp. I think I held my breath and looked like a codfish for the first 10 minutes actually. But, thankfully, this is the Russo brothers, so they know how to give us a comedic break and they do, a lot! You will be laughing hard in this one!
What else? Hairstyles! Oh, the fun hairstyles we get to experience in Endgame! Now normally I wouldn’t want to say it’s about the looks but in this film, the looks take on their own role and have their own shining moments and I loved every moment! I wish I could say more about this but I can’t.
How violent is Endgame? Oh, it’s on the heavier side of violence. They have to fight Thanos again to figure this all out… “Whatever it takes!” I had my hand over my mouth multiple time because the scenes were so shocking. I even caught myself quietly verbalizing some words Captain America probably would have called me out for.
Speaking of LANGUAGE: This one is a doozy; there’s a bit more of it in Endgame. I had a tally going but then in one scene, there were so many of one little word dropped and I was laughing so hard, I lost count.

“Whatever it takes!” – AVENGERS
I loved that the Russo brothers touched on raw and real subjects in this movie. This is an authentic movie. The tears will flow because of these subjects but it is SO needed and it was created beautifully.
I loved that Marvel lady heroes are appreciated once again and play big roles in this movie. The Russo Brothers have been doing this in their latest movies and we’re loving it; this movie will make young girls and women leaving the theater feeling inspired. This movie is so well-rounded for the gentlemen too, they have a plethora of heroes to connect with!
“Part of the journey is the end.” – Tony Stark

This is a Marvel Studios movie, so, there is a bit of caution for young wilderness explorers watching this one: There’s swearing, violence/fighting and death and loss which leads to dealing with strong emotions. If your child is dealing with depression or loss, this could be too much.
Can your child handle this? Only you can answer this. My kids are 11 and 9 years old, (my daughter already saw it) and the loss part will be hard; it feels real. We have been a part of this Marvel Universe for years and feel SO connected to these characters, so dealing with this, is going to be difficult for them.
FYI: my daughter exited the theater talking about the loss part and how it relates to her personally and not about any of the violence.

Yes, 5 of the most MARVELous balloons possible. My heart is still swollen. I definitely want and need to see this one again. I always do. But, there’s SO much in Endgame that I have to make sure I got all the little clues.
Stay for the end of the credits; they’re unique this time.
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